Computer Science Explorations
This is a trimester course for grades 5 and 6. It will explore Digital Media, Computer Science, and Robotics.
Digital Media and Me
Learners will leverage technology to create images and videos while learning how to manage their digital presence and ethics, decision-making, and privacy. They will use various software applications to create and compile their Digital Media eBooks. Learners will continue to add artifacts to their Digital Media Portfolio (G Suite, Clips, Notes, Photoshop, Adobe Spark, Explain Everything, Padlet, etc.).
Basic Computer Programming
Learners will be introduced to block-based coding systems to begin to develop computational thinking and programming skills. Students use Swift Playgrounds and CS First with Google. CS First uses Scratch to learn to code and create projects.
Robotics will be explored using LEGO robots. Learners will learn how to build, code, and troubleshoot their autonomous robots when performing tasks and challenges. They will create robots that move independently, use sensors, interact with each other, and interpret data. Learners will work in pairs to build collaborative and teamwork skills.